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Secure My Spot for “ClickBank Breaks the Internet” - Best Prices

Secure My Spot for “ClickBank Breaks the Internet” - Best Prices

Secure My Spot for “ClickBank Breaks the Internet” Workshop & Teach Me How to Earn Up to $1,000 Commissions! 
So what are the roadblocks that stop the majority of people from being able to live the super affiliate lifestyle? 

Roadblock #1: The Offer 

Before you can run a webinar (this might sound obvious)... you need a webinar. 
You need a presentation, you need a product, you need a presenter. 
Now this let’s forget about creating our own product and our own webinar presentation. Let’s stick with talking strictly as an affiliate. 
You want to promote someone’s webinar offer... well you need those three things.. The presentation the presenter, and the product... 
If you look on the ClickBank marketplace you’ll see tons of products you can promote right now. 99.9% of those aren’t high ticket products and they aren’t webinars. 
To find a webinar offer to promote you need to be in the inner circle. It’s a tight knit community of between the webinar offer creators, we’ll call them webinar vendors, and the affiliates that have enough traffic to make it worth the webinar vendor’s time to present to the affiliate’s traffic... 
See if you don’t have a relationship with a webinar vendor it’s almost impossible to find them because they aren’t on the marketplace at ClickBank... and that’s because they don’t want to be. They can’t have every affiliate promote, because only the big affiliates generate enough traffic to make it worth it for the webinar vendor. 
Webinars are very taxing things... they require a custom registration page, thank you page, webinar setup with the webinar system, then a 1-3 hour 
presentation... so you can’t blame the webinar vendors who just want people they know can bring the traffic to do these. 
They don’t want to waste their time since many of them know affiliates that can generate up to 5 or even up to 6 figures from a single promotion. 
So that’s the first roadblock... finding the webinar vendor who is willing to give you a shot. 
Fortunately, with what we’re going to share with you today, you don’t need to be best friend’s with a webinar vendor to get them to do a webinar with you. In fact you don’t even need to know or talk to one. 
We are going to share with you a simple solution without that doesn’t require all of complicated, mind-bending, time-consuming, technical stuff. 

So...Roadblock #2: Getting Enough Traffic To Show Up At The Same Time 

Let’s say you get a webinar vendor to believe in you... are you going to be able to pull through in making it worth the while for the webinar vendor who is doing a live presentation for your traffic? 
It’s a pretty terrible feeling to let someone down, especially when it’s someone successful in the industry. That could be disastrous for you... because it’s a small community of these super earners... and guess what? They all talk. 

See, to generate traffic isn’t that hard. You can drive traffic on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram using paid or free methods like we teach inside ClickBank University.. 
But the hard part is getting a ton of traffic all at once... 
See you have to get everyone to show up at one single time. 
That means all your traffic efforts need to be done at once and at a large scale. So instead of spending let’s say $10 or $20 on facebook ads per day to make a webinar worth it you probably need to spend a couple thousand dollars per day for a few days to generate enough interest to get people to show up at a single time. 
See unlike a video sales letter when people can click and watch it immediately, on a webinar people have to register, make a reminder to show up for it and they need to actually show up at a certain time. And on top of that they can’t watch it later. This cuts the amount of people who actually see the presentation by almost 90%... 
It’s really hard to get a ton of people live at one time. 
And worse than not making money, if you don’t have enough people show up you can massively harm your future success in this industry... 
If your traffic was a bust, if you didn’t get enough people on, then they may certainly tell other vendors and before you know it, you’ve lost credibility in the industry and no one will host webinars for your audience... we want to avoid that at all costs. 
Which brings us to... 

Roadblock #2: High Risk For Newcomers 

So what happens if you overcome roadblock 1, and 2... 
Let’s say you have hundreds of people live... maybe you had to spend thousands of dollars in ads to do it... what then? 
Well hopefully all goes well... 
Hopefully the webinar converts to the audience and you make back more than you put in... Now if you have a good converting webinar you could make up to $30-$50 per person on average that shows up... so if 100 people show up that’s up to $3-$5k.. If 500 people show up that’s up to $15k-$25k in your cut... sounds great right? 
But a bad webinar? You could earn almost nothing and lose your investment on traffic... you need to know how to pick a good webinar offer (and chances are the people that let you promote their offer without you having previous credibility and results are probably not great webinars)... 
But that’s not the worst of it. 
...See several years ago Justin was hosting a webinar and the affiliate got almost 1,000 people on... the affiliate gave him a huge opportunity and the worst happened... the Internet went down. Something completely unaccounted for. 
Justin received many terrible messages from this guy about how amateur 
it was and how he lost so much money... his business was set to generate around and up to $90k from this webinar... Justin got dozens of texts and scrambled to reset the Internet connection but it was too late... everyone left the webinar and it had cost this affiliate (and Justin) a lot of money... Live webinars can be extremely stressful and you need to be a “super pro” at running them. 

As an affiliate you’re always worried the system might crash or the presenter’s power goes out, or their Internet and you’d lose all your hard work at generating traffic... 
With what we’ve been working on to share with you, you’re not going to need to worry about that. We’ve done away with this roadblock because you don’t need everyone to show up at a single time. In fact, what we’re excited to share with you is taking away tons of roadblocks. And these aren’t one off webinars... 
We talked about the key to success as automation... this system will automate it so you can get started spending as little as $5/day on Facebook rather than up to $1,000 per day right away. 
Then you can scale it slowly as you see results! 
And guess what? 
You won’t rely on people being on one live webinar where all your eggs are in a basket either since people don’t show up at a single time! 
So, you interested? 
If so, we’re covering it all in this week’s special training called, “ClickBank 
You owe it to yourself to register for this life changing event: ClickBank Breaks the Internet Workshop 
2019 is quick drawing to a close. 
2020? Will it be YOUR year? 
It can be. It SHOULD be. 
ClickBank HAS INDEED come up with a solution. And it’s the kind of solution that could put up to $1000 in your pocket EVERY DAY. 
We’re inviting you to discover how you can put THE SAME ENERGY you’re currently putting into affiliate marketing or publishing and potentially earn up to ten times, maybe even as much as up to twenty times as you’re earning now. 
Justin Atlan, Founder of ClickBank University is going to be conducting a true breakthrough webinar for affiliates and publishers. 
He’s on record saying with ClickBank’s new “technology” affiliates and publishers, even affiliates just starting out could be making up to $1000 A DAY! 

Secure My Spot for “ClickBank Breaks the Internet” Workshop & Teach Me How to Earn Up to $1,000 Commissions! 

What you can expect to learn: 
• How you can emulate the success of ClickBank’s Top Tier Earners using the same exact method they use to make thousands per day. 
• Learn the way to 10X your profits with any traffic you are running regardless of your source through hands-off our automation method. 
• Get an insider look and breakdown of our internal stats showing the potential behind our new high-income earning system that we’ll be sharing with you. 
• Take an in-depth look at the details of the roadblocks faced by newbie marketers and how you can overcome them with our three start up success keys. 
Space is limited to 1,000 people. First come first served! 
*Show up for a training and you just might WIN $1,000 cash that Justin is giving away on this special training event!* 

Secure My Spot for “ClickBank Breaks the Internet” Workshop & Teach Me How to Earn Up to $1,000 Commissions! 

We’ll see you on the webinar training that’s sure to break the Internet for marketers everywhere! 
Justin, Milana and The ClickBank Team

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